November 20, 2020
本文同步發表於 iTHome
我們將多年來與大品牌客戶合作的經驗,經年累積成自有的病毒碼數據庫,並結合我們專利的深度封包檢測技術,擴展出多個安全模組,應用在我們此次設計的新產品,Pico-UTM 100。
Pico-UTM 100 是一台為微型企業及家庭設計的橋接式資安防護產品,考量這些企業及家庭都已有無線路由器,在不打算原有設備被取代的情況下,要同時擁有資安防護功能便是安裝一台Pico-UTM 100。它輕巧且易於安裝,更重要的是它擁有強大的資安防護功能,防病毒、防駭客、防惡意網站,它可以幫您遠離釣魚及惡意網站;避開帶有病毒的文件;防範駭客竊取個人資訊,甚至避免殭屍網路的攻擊。
現在,我們將此產品發布在Indiegogo眾籌平台上,並於今日開始募資,網址如下: Lionic Pico-UTM: Cyber-security forWork-from-Home ,如果你也贊成在這冠狀肺炎爆發的時代,改變的不只是生活的形式,更是帶來巨大的潛在資訊安全危機的話,就動手點擊網址並支持我們!
About Lionic Corporation
Lionic Corporation is a worldwide provider of innovative Deep Packet Inspection solutions. The technologies of Lionic include the complete DPI-based software engine and related management software which offer the Security Solutions that addresses anti-virus, anti-intrusion, anti-webthreat; and the Content Management Solutions that addresses application identification, device identification, application based QoS, web content filtering, parental control.
Lionic’s security and content management solutions, cloud-based scan services and signature subscription service are widely deployed in the world already. They help service providers, network appliance manufacturers, semiconductor companies, etc. to enable the next generation of business routers, residential gateways, SD WAN edges and cloud gateways, advanced firewalls, UTMs, Smart NICs and mobile devices. Those products powered by Lionic provide better network management and protect the world’s networks from an ever increasing level of security threats.