

本文同步發表於 iTHome 隨著網路世代的變遷,物聯網已成為未來的趨勢,資訊安全也逐漸為大眾最關切的議題之一,尤其是萬物皆相連,但萬物也皆可駭。新竹一間

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Lionic successfully launch Pico-UTM 100 on Indiegogo

Hsinchu, Taiwan – November 19, 2020 – Lionic has developed several network security technologies based on deep packet inspection and has licensed to several major network appliances vendors like Cisco, NEC, Calix, etc. Those technologies are already mature and market proven. Now, it is time for Lionic to make its own product - Pico-UTM 100. Pico-UTM 100 is developed by Lionic’s patented Deep Packet Inspection technology, and utilizes its large virus signature database to extend 4 powerful and necessary applications nowadays.

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SafetyDetectives' Interview with Eric Lu - Lionic

This article is published in [SafetyDetectives Blog] (https://www.safetydetectives.com/blog/interview-eric-lu-lionic/), [Lionic company website] (https://www.lionic.com/news/2020/07/09/safetydetectives-interview-with-eric-lu-lionic/) and [AegisLab website] (https://www.aegislab.com/news/2020/07/09/safetydetectives-interview-with-eric-lu-lionic/).   Aviva Zacks Published on: July 9, 2020       Eric Lu, Chairman and CEO of Lionic, took the time to sit for an interview with Aviva Zacks of Safety Detective. She asked him about Pico-UTM and how his company sees the future of cybersecurity.   Safety Detective: What was your journey to cybersecurity and what do you love about it?

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